Clean Your Streams 365 Logo

Clean Your Streams 365

CYS 365 is a year-round effort for clearer, cleaner waterways inspired by our annual program Clean Your Streams Day. CYS 365 clean-ups can be PCS staff-led or clean-on-your-own. In either case, PCS can provide all clean-up supplies, including gloves, trash bags, data cards, and grabbers.

How To Volunteer

All Year

Schedule a clean-up at a time and site of your choosing.

Between April and September

Sign up to join a staff-led clean-up.

Program Impact





Pounds of marine debris removed


Waterway sites cleaned

“CYS 365 is an antidote to apathy. This program gave me an opportunity to make a meaningful, visible impact on a local waterway every time I participated. It combines stewardship, citizen science, and fun in the best way.”

– Liv Simkins Bullock, volunteer and former Program Coordinator

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I record my data?

You can use either a paper data card or the Clean Swell app to record the marine debris (a.k.a. waterway trash) that you remove.

What should I wear?

Please wear clothes you’re comfortable getting muddy or damp. For safety, we highly recommend long pants and closed-toed shoes.

Can I bring my child to a staff-led CYS 365 program?

Almost all staff-led CYS 365 programs are open to all volunteers ages six and older. Remember that a parent or guardian must sign a liability waiver on behalf of children. When a program is scheduled for an unsuitable location for children (e.g. has steeper river banks, has a large amount of broken glass, etc.) the site will be noted as “18+ only” on the registration page.

I’d like to coordinate a group for a clean-on-your-own CYS 365 program. What do I need to know?

All members of your group need to sign a printed liability waiver. Parents or guardians must sign for all volunteers under 18. You may email us scanned copies of all printed liability waivers or drop off paper copies at our office.

How does Clean Swell work for collecting marine debris data?

We’re glad you asked! Check out our Clean Swell App How-To and FAQ.

Learn More

…about what marine debris is and how you can prevent it.

…about the local waterways that this program benefits.

…about simple lifestyle changes that add up to help our waterways.