PCS Earns National Recognition Award

    By Kris Patterson Sometimes our donations come from unlikely and surprising places. Recently, we won a competitive grant from a foundation called Learning by Giving. It’s one of the suite of foundations that the Buffet family have, this one run by his sister, Doris, with seed money from The Oracle himself. This fall PCS learned […]

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    Taking one for the Team

    Hull and Associates has been a donor of Clean Your Streams for many years but this year they took initiative of dedicating multiple staff to sponsoring and running the Downtown Toledo Kickoff. From start to finish, the team sought out sites to clean, got breakfast donated, organized the supplies, became site captains and ran a […]

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    An Intern’s Perspective

    By Lindsey Crego When I applied for the Outreach Intern position at PCS in June of this year, I did not think much of it. I figured that someone more qualified or more experienced would obtain the position. Then I received a call from Ava warning me about the work load and making sure I […]

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