30 Day Earth Month Challenge

Feature 30 Day Earth Month ChallengeHappy Earth Month! We invite you to take on a 30-Day challenge to make sustainable changes that positively impact our planet. Make sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where we’ll be posting our 30 Ways in 30 Days.

Who doesn’t love a little challenge? Whether you are up for a challenge on your own or want to turn it into a friendly competition with other environmentally passionate people, we’ve got something for you! This month we’ll be sharing 30 Ways in 30 Days for you to show the planet you care. The full challenge will be posted to our social media accounts, but we want to highlight some of the actions you can take to get involved this Earth Month.

  • Plant native wildflower seeds & get your garden started! With temperatures warming up and those April showers rolling in, now is the time to get your garden going! Shasta Daisy, Purple Coneflower and Black-Eyed Susan are some of our favorites!
  • Plan out meals to reduce food waste! Headed to the grocery store today? Make a list with what items you need and how much to avoid over-consumption and possible waste after your meals. Repurpose and eat your leftovers as much as possible.
  • Switch to shampoo & conditioner bars! Instead of buying the plastic bottles, make the switch to shampoo and conditioner bars for washing your hair. Lather up with water and use as you would with any other hair washing product. These bars usually tend to get you through more hair washing days than bottled products.
  • Volunteer at a stream clean-up! We have some great opportunities for you to get outside and promote clean, clear, and safe water in our area!