2023 Annual Reflection: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

2023 November HeaderWhat are we celebrating from 2023?

• The successful first water quality monitoring season for Community Water Action in Toledo (CWAT). This regional partnership engaged more than 60 volunteers in over 100 sampling events across 18 sampling sites on three rivers, collecting important citizen science data. More on CWAT.
• Creating educational website content and coordinating region-wide social media efforts for four Lake Erie Starts Here campaign seasonal themes: road salt, fertilizer, marine debris and Clean Your Streams, and autumn leaves. More on Lake Erie Starts Here.
• The most storm drain marking volunteers since 2016. This program engaged 118 volunteers, who marked 1,340 catch basins and distributed 4,074 educational door tags.
• The biggest Clean Your Streams since pre-pandemic times, with 723 volunteers who removed 14,957 pounds of marine debris. More on CYS 27.
• The removal of Beneficial Use Impairment 11: Degradation of Aesthetics from the Maumee Area of Concern and launched a new website for the Maumee Area of Concern.

What are we looking forward to in 2024?

• Building on the strong foundation laid by CWAT’s first season and opening a brand-new public volunteer program: water quality monitoring.
• Continuing to expand our water quality education projects, storm water education, and communication campaigns with the help of local partners.
• Continuing the trend of growing our volunteer numbers in our marine debris prevention and removal programs.
• Revamping our 10+ year old website to better share the story of our past success and reflect our aspirations for the future.

Our successes and opportunities for growth are only possible through the generosity of our donors, volunteers, and community partners. Please make PCS a part of your holiday giving. You can donate through Facebook or Instagram, donate using our secure website, or send a check to PO Box 203 Perrysburg, OH 43552.

Thank you for keeping Current with us in 2023. We’ll see you again in 2024!