Welcome to the 2022 Board of Directors

Amy Boros and Randy Nissen are the newest members of PCS' Board of DirectorsAt our Annual General Meeting on December 15, PCS members re-elected three returning Board members, as well as two new members. Thank you to Joan King, Denise Fonner, Bill Buri, and Marilyn DuFour for continuing your existing terms! Congratulations to returning Board members Bob Neubert, Andrew Curran, and Chris Smalley. We’re excited to introduce our two new members: Amy Boros and Randy Nissen.

Amy Boros is a science educator with Perrysburg Schools with more than 25 years in the classroom. She is an Environmental Club advisor at Hull Prairie Intermediate School, as well as a certified Great Lakes Educator. We are especially grateful for her experience with grant writing and program management. Amy has been a Clean Your Streams volunteer for several years, and particularly enjoys the opportunity to go out on kayak clean-ups.

Randy Nissen was selected as the 2020 winner of the PCS Annual Award for Environmental Stewardship and Involvement. With roots the Toledo area, Randy recently retired from a 35-year teaching career in Toledo Public Schools. Randy has been involved with Clean Your Streams Day for over a decade, particularly as a driving force behind Toledo Early College High School (TECHS)’ involvement in CYS. For the past few years, TECHS students have been the largest single group that participates in CYS, bringing over 100 volunteers annually.