Toledo Leads Community Partners for Trash Free Waters

TFWThe City of Toledo is leading a new project through U.S EPA’s Trash Free Waters program to collect potential marine trash and install trash capture devices in the water at several locations near Toledo. The City has recruited a team of community organizations, including TMACOG, University of Toledo, Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful, and us- Partners for Clean Streams! We are excited to provide outreach and clean-ups alongside these trash trappers.   (Read More)

City of Toledo Senior Environmental Scientist, Edith Kippenhan, is managing the program. She said, “A trash capture device is generally a floating box with booms that guides the trash into the box as the water moves it downstream. The devices can be small or large, skinny or wide.” Approximately nine trash trappers will be installed around the Toledo area to grab trash in the waters.

The team hopes to install nine boxes or nets at locations representing different land uses: industrial, commercial, recreation/tourism, and residential. Locations will include the Ottawa River, Maumee River, and Swan Creek where it flows into the Maumee in downtown Toledo. 

Sign-up for a community stream clean-up, called CYS 365, near the trash trappers here, and check out more about the trash trappers here.