Meet Our New Communications and Outreach Specialist – Cassondra Prchlik

Biopicture editedCassondra Prchlik is a Northwest Ohio native who is very excited to be back in the area communicating the importance of water quality of the Lake Erie Watershed. Filled with a love for adventure and the outdoors, she went to Northern Michigan University studying Environmental Studies and Anthropology, focusing on how we communicate sustainability and biodiversity. While there, she worked as a Native Plant Technician and Co-Manager of an Outdoor Learning Area. After graduating from Northern Michigan University, she worked in Parque Patagonia, Yellowstone National Park, and the Willamette National Forest before completing her Master of Public Administration at Bowling Green State University in 2019. 

Growing up in Northwest Ohio, she was intrigued by the natural beauty of wetlands. Going annually to Magee Marsh for birding since she was five, exposed her to the unique ecosystems and biodiversity in Northwest Ohio. Finding these unique spots in Northwest Ohio had a profound impact on her willingness to explore new areas and consistently learn new things; even though she lives in the area, she travels with a mini-library of plant and bird identification books in the trunk of her car ready to learn more. Some of her interests include bumblebee identification, being active outside, birding, and puns. She is very enthusiastic to combine her love of communications, riparian systems, and puns at Partners for Clean Streams to help spark community actions in cleaning the Lake Erie Watershed.