Paddling for a Trash-free Maumee

Cleanup participants and their canoesAugust saw two paddle-based cleanups on islands in the Maumee River; Missionary Island and Hedges Island. Luckily, weather was on our side, and both paddles took place on schedule and in beautiful conditions.

The first event was co-hosted by Toledo Metroparks and Wood County Park District on August 10th. Volunteers gathered at Weirs Rapids and then enjoyed a scenic 30-minute canoe paddle to Missionary Island. On the island, the 24 volunteers picked up and removed approximately 475 pounds of trash!

Wood County Park District also co-hosted the second cleanup on August 13th. At this event, participants gathered at Otsego Park and then paddled a short distance to nearby Hedges Island. The first concerted cleanup of Hedges Island was conducted just last year, during which 725 pounds of trash was removed from the Island. This year’s participants were encouraged to see that much less trash (only 90 pounds) had to be collected and removed. While paddling to and from Hedges, participants spotted deer, bald eagles, herons, and a number of other critters. Cleanups like these are a great way to combine an outdoor adventure and a good deed!