CYS 23 Save the Date!

cys23stdFamilies, friends, and co-workers – join us on Saturday, September 21st for the 23rd Annual Clean Your Streams Day!  Clean Your Streams Day will take place at seven kickoff locations in the greater Toledo area including: Olander Park, Middlegrounds Metropark, Perrysburg Three Meadows Park, the University of Toledo, Monroe Street United Methodist Church, Side Cut Metropark, and Oregon Municipal Building.  All volunteers will be invited to celebrate this community-wide cleanup at an Appreciation Picnic starting at noon with entertainment, a free lunch, t-shirt, and prizes.  Last year, we had the second highest amount of volunteers ever (1,109) and the highest amount of marine debris was removed (35,568 pounds) through everyone’s efforts on this day!  Let’s see if we can do even more for our waterways in 2019!  Registration for Clean Your Streams 23 is required and will be active in August.  Check out our website for pictures from last year and to learn more about why this program is so important in our community. Start forming your corporate, youth, collegiate, or organization teams today!