17th Annual Patch Day Program

PatchDay2019Thank you to all the participants who came out to the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center on Sunday, March 3rd for our 17th Annual Patch Day Workshop! 59 2nd– 5th graders joined local water quality professionals for six hands-on activities relating to the theme of “Habitats & Water.” At the conclusion of the day, each participant received a blue and white Partnering for Clean Streams patch to encourage them to become active stewards of our waterways.  We hope this program was both educational and informational for the youth and their parents!  We all have a role to play in protecting our waterways and Patch Day is a great way to learn about what everyone can do to make a difference, no matter what age. We welcome all participants to continue their conservation journey and fulfill specific merit requirements by volunteering with us for our spring and summer programs including: Glass City MarathonStorm Drain MarkingCYS 365Get the Lead Out, and more!

We would also like to thank our presenters who made the Workshop possible.  Jamie Kochensparger with Lucas Co. Soil & Water Conservation District, Beth Landers with Wood Co. Soil & Water Conservation District, Lauren Rush with the City of Perrysburg, Laura and Jason Guerard with Black Swamp Bird Observatory, Rachel Lohner and UT graduate students with Lake Erie Center, and Andrea Beard with the City of Oregon all hosted unique habitat-related activities during the rotations.  Thanks for being a great Partner for clean streams!