Clean Your Streams 22 Results

CYS22collageOur Northwest Ohio streams have never been cleaner!  PCS is proud to share with our community the results from Clean Your Streams Day 22. We had a total of 1,109 volunteers who came to seven kick-offs throughout the greater Toledo area.  From there, they spread out to 75 individual cleanup sites, improving water quality along the Ottawa River, Swan Creek, Maumee River, and Maumee Bay tributary watersheds.  Our dedicated volunteers removed 35,573 pounds of marine debris from our local waterways, including 306 tires.  This is the highest amount of trash ever collected in the history of Clean Your Streams Day!  As great as these stats are, our work is not yet done.  We hope you will continue to partner with us for cleaner streams by volunteering for our other annual programs like Get the Lead OutCYS 365Storm Drain Marking, and more.  Thank you for those who came out last month to give back to the waterways that truly give us life.  Your actions show that our community cares about clean water and is willing to work to improve it.  To see pictures from the day along with interesting finds and our Fact Sheet, please visit our CYS page online.