Partnering for Clean Streams Youth Patch Day Workshop Recap

PD18On Sunday, March 18th, PCS hosted the 16th Annual Partnering for Clean Streams Youth Patch Day Workshop and it was a huge success! We had 51 kids who came out to the new location at the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center in Oregon. The warm, sunny day and panoramic view of Lake Erie enhanced the six hands-on water quality activities our presenters prepared for the participants. This year, we had six presenters: Andrea Beard with the City of Oregon, Richard Kroeger with the Ohio EPA, Cheryl Rice with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, Jamie Kochensparger with Lucas County Soil and Water Conservation District, Marilyn DuFour with the City of Toledo Environmental Services, and Rachel Lohner and two UT graduate students from the Lake Erie Center. Parents of the patch-earners commented that the kids had a great time, learned a lot about water quality, and hope to be back next year. We hope so too as this is a great program to get younger students engaged in making clear choices for clean water. We want to thank all the kids who are Clean Water Superheroes and all of our presenters who helped make this program possible!