Join Us for Get the Lead Out this Summer!

June1We are excited to announce this year’s Get the Lead Out (GLO) public events! Join us for our first outing on June 13th, 6:00-8:00pm, at the Siegert Lake parking lot at Side Cut Metropark. Since the spring fishing runs, over three miles of the Maumee River between Perrysburg and Maumee need to be cleaned and we need your help. This program is great for volunteers of all ages and can be done throughout the summer season, while the water levels are low.  You can also schedule your own Get the Lead Out, whenever is convenient for you. In 2016, GLO volunteers collected over 9 trash bags full of line!  Still need convincing that this program is a great fit for you and your family? Check out this video!

As mentioned before, our first Get the Lead Out event is on Tuesday, June 13th.  For those of you who like to plan ahead, here are the additional public dates throughout the summer (weather permitting): June 27th, July 11th, July 25th, and August 8th. These dates and locations are also on our website calendar. These events are open to everyone and all experience levels are welcome.  Please come prepared with appropriate shoes and attire – we suggest close-toed, waterproof or old shoes, and clothing you don’t mind getting wet or dirty.  We will provide the supplies. This is another great way we can protect our precious rivers!