Success at Patch Day!

DSC 0619Thank you and congratulations to the 64 youth who participated in the 15th Annual Partnering for Clean Streams Youth Patch Day Workshop on Sunday, March 5th. Six groups of energetic Boy and Girl Scouts from kindergarten through fifth grade earned the blue and white embroidered Partnering for Clean Streams patch by participating in various water education stations. Through six different hands-on activity stations, professionals from across northwest Ohio taught the scouts about different aspects of our water resource such as storm water runoff, water conservation, Lake Erie algae, and sources of pollutants. Each station not only educated but also empowered the participants to become active stewards of their local waterways with ways they can make a positive difference.

During the Workshop, participants practiced storm drain stenciling, learned about storm water runoff and sources of nutrients, and explored how water is treated so it is safe for us to drink. This year’s Workshop also celebrated Toledo Rain Garden Initiative’s 10th Anniversary by painting rain barrels. Participants painted the different aspects of the water system, including soil, plants, animals, the atmosphere, and the water itself. These very colorful rain barrels will eventually be featured at our Clean Your Streams Day Appreciation Picnic in September.  

Everyone, parents and kids alike, appreciated the hands-on aspects of the Workshop, and our newest station, EnviroPaint, where they painted on rain barrels. Other favorites included Lake in a Bag, where youth simulated the growth of lake algae, and Walk on Water, where they got to walk along the Ottawa River on UT’s campus. Participants were also very fond of our other stations, Drain Away, Waste In-Waste Out, and Down on the Pond.  All six stations were very successful in teaching the youth participants about stormwater runoff, the nutrients in our water and how they get there, water conservation, our local rivers, and everyday practices that can help protect our waterways. We, as PCS, would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated and especially, those involved in the planning process. These individuals include Andrea Beard, Jamie Kochensparger, Cheryl Rice, Patrick Lawrence, Richard Kroeger, Cherie Blair, Emily Denlinger, Jessica Wilbarger, and Lauren Rush. We also would like to thank the Toledo ZooTeens for volunteering with us at Patch Day. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s Workshop! Check out pictures from this year’s Workshop by clicking here!