Celebrating 2016 at the Annual General Meeting

Jan3To celebrate the accomplishments of 2016, Partners for Clean Streams hosted our Annual General Meeting on November 17th, 2016. In attendance were many of our community partners, board members, and volunteers who help make what we do possible. We celebrated with delicious food, good conversations, and a summary of all that PCS and our volunteers accomplished in the past year.

We recognized the Youth and Collegiate Clean Your Streams Challenge Winners and the Corporate and Organizations who received River Partner Certifications. During the business portion of the meeting, the voting members in attendance voted on new Board Members for the 2017-2018 term. To learn more about how to become a voting member, visit our website. We also recognized the 2016 River Partner Award recipient, Todd Crail, and thanked him for his passion, commitment, and participation in improving local waterways and educating future stewards of our precious resource. Todd is a professor at The University of Toledo, specializing in environmental studies and the unique ecology of our region.

We also acknowledged and thanked our former President of the Board and longtime supporter, Patrick Lawrence, as he is stepping down from his presidency. Patrick has been a part of PCS for over 10 years and has provided his knowledge, support, and guidance all throughout his tenure.  We couldn’t imagine PCS without Patrick so he has agreed to maintain some involvement by acting as the Past President for the Board. This role will solely be advisory. We wish Patrick all the best and thank him for all he has done for our organization!Jan4