Winter Weather Tips for Protecting & Conserving Water

wintersidecutEven though colder temperatures, snow, and ice have finally arrived this winter, you can still make a difference in our effort to protect and conserve water. Below are six tips on what you can do during the winter months.

  • Drip your faucets during the winter months. Yes, we said it – use water to save water! As temperatures drop, leave your faucets on a slow drip while sleeping or not at home. This helps prevent your pipes from freezing or bursting, something that wastes a lot more water than a slow drip from a faucet. Hate to waste any water at all? Place a bucket underneath your faucet to collect the water and use it to water indoor plants or for pets.
  • Is your pooch a doggone polluter? If you don’t clean up after him, he is! Pet waste that is not properly disposed of washes into storm drains or nearby rivers and streams where it will raise bacteria and nutrient levels, just like human waste. If it builds up on snowy ground, the impact is more concentrated. Do your doodoo duty and clean up after your pets!
  • Keep up with car maintenance to reduce leaking of oil, coolant, antifreeze and other hazardous fluids. These can leak fluids onto pavement, which ends up in streams and rivers directly, even on icy roads. A single pint of oil can cause a slick the size of a football field.
  • Salt used to melt ice runs off into our storm sewers and eventually our waterways, where it can damage freshwater ecosystems. Consider alternatives, such as calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) or corn byproducts. If these alternatives are not available, less harmful salt-based products exist, such as potassium chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. Sand also increases traction but does not melt the ice. ALWAYS consider your own safety first!
  • “No-shave November” is long gone, so back to shaving regularly men! To save water while shaving, fill the sink with water instead of rinsing your razor under a running faucet. Women, you can help by turning the shower off while shaving your legs.
  • Recycle the water from pet bowls and fish tanks onto your indoor plants. This water has less chlorine and is often higher in nitrogen levels, both of which will help keep your plants alive until spring.

For more information on these and many other water conservation tips, check out our Give Water a Hand Campaign on our website or contact us at