Celebrate River Heroes on November 16th

Sunrise on MaumeeJoin us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday, November 16th, as we celebrate the success of 2015 at the Jaddell Center at Camp Miakonda. The event begins at 6:00pm. Following dinner, there will be a presentation highlighting all the work done this year and a sneak peak into next year’s plans. We will congratulate Clean Your Streams Challenge Award winners and present the first place winners with a certificates and plaques. We will also present the Clean Streams Partner Award, a prestigious award given to an outstanding member of the community who has shown laudable effort in protecting our local waterways. There will also be a Silent Auction of art pieces and other valuable items. For the business meeting part of the meeting, we will elect next year’s board members. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please contact PCS as soon as possible. We would love to have you join the team. The evening will be filled with food, celebration of the work on our rivers and our volunteers and plans to support our rivers in the future. Watch your mailbox for your invitation. Please RSVP by contacting PCS at 419-874-0727 or Ava@PartnersforCleanStreams.org. We look forward to seeing you there!