Double your donation on Giving Tuesday!

GT-STD-Web-Banner 300x2501Want to support our work towards clear, clean, and safe water, especially after the local water crisis this summer? Thinking of when to give your annual donation or pay your yearly dues to PCS?  Do it on December 2nd, or Giving Tuesday and the Toledo Community Foundation and the Center for Nonprofit Resources will match your donation. That’s right! Donations made as part of Giving Tuesday will be matched one-to-one, creating an instant return on your investment and making your generous gift stretch even further. Donate directly at!


But what is Giving Tuesday? Everyone has heard of Black Friday. Some people have heard of Cyber Monday. But Giving Tuesday is a new concept for most of the world. In fact, this year, December 2, 2014 is the third Annual Giving Tuesday. It is a day for everyone to give back to a cause they believe in. Everyone, from current donors to large companies to people new to the organization, are encouraged to “give back” on this day. Partners for Clean Streams is inviting you to donate to help us educate kids and adults alike, hold volunteer stream cleanup events, and engage stakeholders in large scale projects to improve our waterways in the greater Toledo area. Here at PCS, we understand that it’s your donations that helps us sink or float. For Giving Tuesday, we are raising money to ensure fishable and swimmable streams, rivers and lakes for generations to come. Giving Tuesday is for donating to the cause that means the most to you. Because your donations will be matched, your donations are more powerful and important than ever. This is the best time to make your first contribution to us, to make your usual yearly contribution to PCS, or to pay your membership dues. Donations to Partners for Clean Streams can be made on December 2 at or by mailing in your donation. Giving Tuesday is on our calendar. Is it on yours?