Clean Your Streams Registration closing soon!

Clean Your StreamsDon’t forget to register for the 18th Annual Clean Your Streams Day on Saturday, September 20th, 2014! We are getting ready for our largest, most productive Clean Your Streams event to date and we need to know if you will be joining us. Your last chance to register is Wednesday, September 10th, so don’t delay! With your help, we can make a positive difference on the dozens of miles of stream banks in the greater Toledo area, covering 5 different major watersheds. Over the last seventeen years, our volunteers have removed over 90 tons of trash from these waters. After a morning of cleaning, volunteers join us at the Appreciation Picnic for a thank you lunch, door prizes, Challenge Competition Awards (including the new Change for Change Competition), and much more! If you are already planning on joining us for the largest river cleanup in the area, follow us on Twitter at @PCSMaumee by using #CYS18, and join the 18th Annual Clean Your Streams Facebook event!


Register Now to make a huge impact in your local waterways as a volunteer or site captain by September 10th. Don’t for get to sign the required liability form! And to be part of something bigger — part of an international cleanup, part of improving aesthetics in the Area of Concern (a program to cleanup important Great Lakes areas), and part of taking care of your community. See you in the streams!