Dave Derrick is back!

Dave Derrick explains a StreamDave Derrick will be in Toledo July 21st through July 25th to work with river restoration practictioners, students, engineers, and consultants in a team setting for developing conceptual plans for several different projects in the area. “The Stream Restoration Design: An Advanced Workshop” is great for those who “learn by doing” outside of a lecture-based setting. If you have been to a class taught by Dave Derrick before and always wanted to try applying some of the restoration techniques, then this workshop is for you. Half of the workshop time will be spent in the field, in which you’ll receive direction and guidance from a variety of local leaders. This will allow you to practice applying the methods, and work through many of the design considerations. Then take this practical experience and apply it to your own potential projects when you return to your area. View the full agenda HERE.


To maximize the field time for this workshop, Dave will not be re-teaching his methods. After a quick review, he will cover some more advanced methods in detail, and hand off to other experts to briefly teach about wetlands, plants, and construction considerations. Class will then head directly into the field to visit relevant restored sites. To keep teams small and allow each team to have computer and classroom space for developing their concepts, we are limiting this workshop to 30 participants. Apply by June 18th and tell us about your interests, experience, and if you have attended a previous “Dave Workshop.” We will select and notify participants quickly. The workshop is only $249 and includes all materials, some light snacks and some lunches. Lodging is not included. Payment is required before attendng the Workshop and can be processed once you have been selected to participate. So go ahead and get started now on the internal approvals you need in order to participate. Apply now by completing this form!