Come celebrate at the Annual General Meeting

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Every year, with your help, we do amazing things here at PCS. And every year we need a chance to celebrate and reflect on our accomplishments and plan for next year. This year, our Annual General Meeting will be held on November 19th at 6pm at Camp Miakonda. This celebration will include a light meal and a presentation reflecting our work throughout the year. We will also award our Clean Your Streams Challenge winners and the Clean Streams Partner award. Also, voting members will be electing new members of our Board of Directors. We are currently accepting nominations for new board members. If you are interested in joining our board, please contact us for more information.

But before the program begins, everyone is invited to tour the recent restoration work with the Restoring Ottawa River Wetlands and Habitat in the Maumee AOC project at Camp Miakonda. Wear your boots and come early to see how the eroded banks, overgrown invasive species, and a biologically unproductive lake can turn into an ecologically productive, species rich, healthy river, lake and wetland for everyone to learn from and enjoy. If you would like to join us for tours and/or the Annual General Meeting, please RSVP by calling 419-874-0727 by November 11th. Don’t miss the excitement! Hope to see you there!