Slingin’ rocks for the good of the stream

dave slinging rocks shrunkTo continue our Stream Restoration Project, spring time follow-up work began at Camp Miakonda last month under direction from Dave Derrick from the Army Corps of Engineers. With the help of numerous partners and volunteers, the redirected Hartman Ditch received some grade control, bank stabilization, in-stream structures, and additional plantings to improve the eroding banks.

Grade controls made from stone and trees that were installed to control the water levels in the ditch and to help maintain the quality of the neighboring wetland. Engineered Rock Riffles and Bendway Weirs were used to aid in preventing further erosion of the banks. Native plants were planted to hold soil, improve habitat and strengthen the entire system, both the stream banks and wetlands. One of the best parts about the project is that all the materials used are natural and were found on Camp Miakonda property with the help of Camp Staff. Thank you to all the volunteers and partners for their help! Check out pictures of the work here!