Storm Drain Stenciling in Sylvania

Our partner, Bob Neubert, at the Lucas County Engineer’s Office, and the Boy Scouts took on a large task. As part of the Citizenship of the World Badge, 59 Boy Scouts from 14 troops volunteered to stencil on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 for multiple hours in Sylvania Township. They painted 580 Storm Drains with the phrase “Drains are for Rain, Flows to Waterway” to remind everyone that anything that goes down a storm drain flows to the nearest waterway untreated. The Scouts visited 546 homes with informational flyers reminding everyone to be aware of what goes down a storm drain. This was a huge feat! Thank you so much for your dedication and hard work for our waterways, boys! To learn more about Storm Drain Stenciling and how you can get involved for next spring, please visit our Storm Drain Stenciling page.