Leading the Way on Lead Sinker Clean-Ups

GLO volunteers at Bluegrass Island in August 2021.Get the Lead Out dates are posted for July! GLO is our marine debris removal program targeting tangled line, lead sinkers, lures, and other fishing trash that could harm wildlife in the Maumee River. Weather and water-levels permitting, join us for one of these family-friendly clean-ups.

We’re kicking off our 18th year of Get the Lead Out (GLO) with a series of Maumee River shoreline and island clean-ups this July. You can register for a GLO clean-up here, plus get more details on these locations.

Sunday, July 10, 2-4pm Orleans Park
Tuesday, July 19, 6-8pm, Weirs Rapids Fishing Access
Saturday, July 23, 10am-12pm, Otsego Park
Tuesday, July 26, 6-8pm, Bluegrass Island

Fishing line collected by volunteers during GLO is cleaned and recycled as much as possible.

Keep in mind that GLO is water-level dependent, since fishing line is often tangled in exposed roots and rocks, so we may need to move locations or cancel a session if an area is inaccessible due to high water. We will email all registered volunteers with 24-hours advanced warning if one of our programs needs to be relocated or cancelled, as well as post an update on our social media.

Last summer, 60 volunteers removed over 200 pounds of marine debris across five GLO programs. Let’s see if we can do even better this year!