Annual General Meeting News

December RandyThis was not your average Annual General Meeting. On a chilly November evening, participants gathered together with their favorite drink over a Zoom call to celebrate the success of 2020 and brainstorm ideas for the future of Partners for Clean Streams. Virtual presentations were made, but more excitingly the Clean Streams Partner Award was given and votes were cast for board members. 

Clean Streams Partner Award was created by the Partners for Clean Streams Board of Directors in 2007 to honor exceptional individuals and/or organizations in our community that work to improve our rivers and streams. This award is based on environmental stewardship and involvement. There have been many great recipients in the past and we are excited to add Randy Nissen to the list of outstanding clean stream partners. Randy has been involved in Clean Your Streams Day with Toledo Public Schools since 2010. He was a teacher for 35 years, though now retired, he is still is active in his community. Since 2010, he has gotten hundreds of students involved in Clean Your Streams Day. We would also like to thank Randy for a connection to Earnest Brew Works, who supplied gallons of hand sanitizer (which did not smell like Crunchie Hippie at all) to keep everyone at Clean Your Streams Day healthy this year.

Partners for Clean Streams gladly welcomed Marilyn DuFour from the Monroe Street United Methodist Church as a new board member at Partners for Clean Streams. Though she is new to the Board, Marilyn has been a lifelong partner for clean stream. She has been a kick-off coordinator for Clean Your Streams day for 20 years! This year, she helped coordinated a safe distanced in-person kick-off; organizing 17 volunteers to safely clean our streams. Partners for Clean Streams would also like to congratulate Joan King, Denise Fonner, and Bill Buri for continuing their seats on the Board. We are looking forward to working with you!