Committed to Volunteer Safety

PCS Volunteer Saftey PrecautionsSafety is no stranger to us. On typical non-pandemic days, we provide first aid kits, hand sanitizer, gloves, grabbers, and reflective vests to our volunteers. Because in all honesty, cleaning our streams has some risk to it. We can interact with unfriendly marine debris on a typical clean-up. We understand these potential risks and want to protect our volunteers as best as we can from the harm they might encounter. The recent pandemic has not changed the priority of safety for our volunteers. We have ramped up some of our usual precautions to maximize safety. We are taking precautions like sanitizing or quarantining our kits before they are used again, recommending masks, and requiring them in certain situations. You can check out how specific programs have adapted to the pandemic here. And remember, with these enhanced safety precautions, we hope you will find a way you are comfortable volunteering to clean our streams!