2019 Goals

Andy McClure WTPPCS is very proud of our accomplishments in 2018 that are a result of the hard work of our volunteers and local partners that support our programs.  Last year, we had a 200% increase in volunteers for our Get the Lead Out program, the highest amount of trash ever collected during Clean Your Streams Day, and we were able to get out to some unfrequented local islands via canoe cleanups.  We hope to build on the successes of the past year by setting aspirational goals for 2019. The following list will help us as we plan out our calendar for the next year and focus on expanding our programs and partnerships:

  • – Continue to provide top-notch volunteer opportunities
    – Continue to grow our volunteer base and expand opportunities to directly engage individuals, businesses, and organizations
    – Continue to expand prevention and education programs
    – Continue to build strategic partnerships
    – Continue to support Maumee AOC Committee and BUI removals
    – Increase our financial resources and diversify funding
    – Target stream cleanups to new and need areas working closely with Wood County Parks, Wood County Engineers, and other municipal and county agencies

PCS would like to thank all those who supported us in 2018 by volunteering, donating, and/or supporting our events and programs!