Well-Deserved Clean Streams Partner Award

KrisPatrickDespite the frigid weather, we had many guests attend our Annual General Meeting this year at Metropark’s Fallen Timbers Visitor Center in Maumee. We would like to thank the Toledo Metroparks for allowing us to host our meeting at this facility. We had food catered by Pumpernickel’s Deli in Toledo, a silent auction, a presentation of our yearly programs, and an awards ceremony. All of the Challenge Awards winners from Clean Your Streams Day were invited to receive their certificate. Congratulations again to all of our winners this year!

We also recognized our Clean Stream Partner for 2017. Each year this award is given to honor exceptional individuals and/or organizations in our community that work to improve our rivers and streams. Dr. Patrick Lawrence, Department of Geography at the University of Toledo, was our recipient this year.  Dr. Lawrence was one of the founding members of Partners for Clean Streams, as well as our past President. He worked to expand our Clean Your Streams Day program by serving on the Planning Committee, engaging his students to be volunteers, and presenting Site Captain training. He is truly a champion of the waterways and has done extensive research on the Maumee River watershed. He has published in multiple books and journals about his research on the Maumee Area of Concern. His involvement and dedication in the environmental field is apparent through his many projects. Notable projects include: habitat river restoration of the Ottawa River at UT, watershed management in the Maumee AOC, climate change education for high schools, and planning for Lake Erie coastal parks and protected areas. Thank you, Dr. Lawrence, for all you have done for us at PCS and all you continue to do for our watersheds!