#Giving Tuesday = Giving Back

GivingTuesdayNWOYou’ve heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? #GivingTuesdayNWO is a way to spread your generosity to local nonprofits. On Tuesday, November 28th, every dollar donated to Partners for Clean Streams on this day will be matched through a grant program with the Toledo Community Foundation. For more information about this program, click on the #GivingTuesdayNWO icon. You will be able to donate through our website or by check (dated Nov. 28th), but your donation will be matched only on this day! As a local nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of our donors to ensure that our projects and programs remain viable and that we are able to fulfill our mission of bringing environmental outreach to the community. If you are willing to support PCS, please make sure that you mark this day on your calendar so we can maximize your donation. Thank you for being a partner for clean water.