Fishing Line Recycling Bins

FLRBboyscoutsIn August, we doubled the amount of Fishing Line Recycling Bins we have available. With help from the Boy Scouts and a Venture Scout, we constructed 20 more recycling bins for fishing line in the Toledo area. Boy Scout Troop 66 and Venture Scout Crew 66 met us to help prepare, assemble, and construct 20 bins. We appreciate all the efforts from these troops to help reduce fishing line debris in our waterways. The fishing line collected in the bins is sent off to Berkley Conservation Institute, who recycles the line and converts it into spawning habitat. We currently have 20 bins installed throughout the Toledo area at various parks and fishing hot spots. Some locations include Cullen Park, Orleans Park, Side Cut Metropark, and the National Museum of the Great Lakes. We are still looking for sponsors for the bins and potential locations for installation. If you would like to assist in this program, please contact PCS at