Clean Your Streams Registration

CYS21 3colorRegistration for our 21st Annual Clean Your Streams Day will be open in early August through September 18th. This year’s CYS day will be held Saturday, September 23rd. We need your help to clean up all the trash and debris that makes its way into our waterways. If you, your family, friends, co-workers, or any other group would be interested in helping the environment and your community, please register for this event! Gather your group to compete in our friendly Battles of the Bags, and other corporate, organization, youth, or collegiate challenges. Last year we had almost 1,000 volunteers who collected over 26,000 pounds of trash! We hope to continue the success from 2016 and remove as much as we can from our local rivers and streams. We’re also still looking for sponsors. Call our office asap if you’d like to sponsor or donate prizes. Check out our website for more registration information.