Greening the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon

May3For the second year, Partners for Clean Streams was an official charity partner of the 41st Mercy Health Glass City Marathon and the facilitating organization for the sustainability taskforce.  Sunday, April 23rd 2017 was another beautiful spring day for the over 8,000 runners who blazed the race routes across Toledo.  Much like last year, PCS staff, Board Members, and volunteers worked diligently on the University of Toledo’s campus to guide runners to properly dispose of their recyclable and compostable materials. We also worked “behind-the-scenes” leading up to the event to help the organizers plan for bulk cardboard, glass, and waste disposal. Our partnership with the Glass City Marathon is a unique opportunity for us to have a positive impact on our community and waterways.  The Glass City Marathon is inherently connected to water. The course crosses the Ottawa River several times and runners depend on water for endurance and rejuvenation. We are excited to assist with the Marathon’s sustainability plan because if there is less trash left on the roads or ground after the race, there is less entering storm drains or ditches. 

This year, our 20 volunteers and members of the Goodwill Janitorial staff were able to divert approximately 800lbs of glass, 1,800lbs of cardboard, 40lbs of plastic overwrap and heat sheets, and 50lbs of plastic cups/bottles.  All of this material was absorbed by the University of Toledo’s waste management and recycled. We also collected 25lb of energy packs, such as Gu Packs, that will be sent to Terracycle. In addition, a 20 yard dumpster was 2/3 full of compostable materials, such as food waste and paper products, that was delivered to Hirzel Farms in Luckey Ohio. Also, 2 vinyl banners that would have otherwise been thrown away, were sent to Impact with Hope to be used as temporary windows or siding for disaster recovery.  And at the end of the day, the entire Marathon event only produced enough landfill waste to fill a 20 yard dumpster, a dramatic change from past events. The rest was either composted or recycled. Partners for Clean Streams greatly appreciates this partnership with Toledo Roadrunners and the Glass City Marathon, as it benefits all those involved and the local community.  We would also like to thank the University of Toledo, Hirzel Farms, Republic Waste, and Terracycle, as well as all our volunteers and the Goodwill Janitorial staff. We couldn’t have made this great of an impact without you!