Clean Streams All-Year with CYS 365

October3One of our main goals at PCS is to remove trash from local streams and rivers. Even though volunteers remove tons of trash every year during Clean Your Streams, trash accumulates quickly in our waterways. Unfortunately, this reoccurring problem is more widespread than Toledo. Marine debris, or trash in waterways, is an issue around the world. However, there are actions we can take to prevent trash from reaching the waterways and PCS is working to initiate those actions year round.

Consider registering a group for a Clean Your Streams 365 cleanup this fall!  CYS 365 is one of our annual programs and is an extension to Clean Your Streams that occurs every September. When signing up for a CYS 365 cleanup, volunteer groups schedule their own private cleanup at a location we suggest based on need.  All that is left for them to do after scheduling is to receive safety /cleaning protocol from a PCS staff member and to pick up supplies. It’s that simple! Groups can even adopt a location that frequently experiences littering to make sure that trash doesn’t continue traveling throughout our watershed. For more information about CYS 365 and to register a group, check out our website. Be an advocate for clean streams all-year round!