Drain Away – We Still Need Volunteers!

Storm Drain Marking for Global Youth Service Day is in just a few short weeks and registration closes this Thursday! On Saturday, April 16th, join the dozens of volunteers that will be passing out informational door hangers and marking storm drains with a clear message to citizens that “Drains are for Rain, Flows to Waterway.” On that day from 9:00am-12:00pm, volunteers will be marking the storm drains in preselected jurisdictions all around the greater Toledo area to protect our streams from pollution. At 12:30pm, an Appreciation Picnic for all volunteers will be held on the lawn at United Way of Greater Toledo as part of Global Youth Service Day. If weather does not permit us to mark drains on April 16th, a rainout date is scheduled for April 30th (with no picnic following). For more details and to register, please check out our Storm Drain Marking flyer and registration form on our website. We hope to see you on Global Youth Service Day!