Earth Day Every Day

TeensCleaningApril 22nd was the 45th Earth Day for our nation and all April long, many people celebrated Earth Month. Now that it is May, we cannot forget to keep taking care of our planet’s resources. PCS has just the right things to help you keep your eco-friendly habits up and even start new ones.

You can Adopt-a-Fishing Line Recycling Bin and monitor the line that is kept out of our rivers. You can borrow gloves, bags and other cleanup supplies and then clean up a “trashy” site on your own time with our Clean Your Streams 365. As summer starts up, you can join us for Get the Lead Out by cleaning the lead and line left from anglers in the Maumee River between Perrysburg and Maumee. Or grab a group of friends and do Storm Drain Marking in your neighborhood and reduce pollution going down the drains into the rivers unfiltered. Simple tips and new habits to work into your your daily life (at work and home) can be found with our Give Water a Hand Campaign. Or ask us how else you can get involved in protecting our rivers and building a community.

Agencies and enforcements are not able to crack down on each individual and their small actions such as wasting water, throwing cigarette butts out the car window or even (sometimes) illegal dumping. So if we want clean, clear and safe waterways and environments, we need to individually take responsible steps to protect our waterways and sometimes even remind each other, every day, not just on Earth Day. There are dozens of ways to help improve our environment and it starts with you.