My Adventure as a PCS Intern

Casey pouring ChangeBy Casey Fuleky

As I write this letter, I am finishing up my last day as an Outreach Intern here at Partners for Clean Streams. Since I first began my internship in May, my knowledge and appreciation regarding clean, clear, and safe water has vastly expanded. Assisting with tasks such as designing Clean Your Streams t-shirts, strengthening ties with the public through social media, and ultimately organizing various volunteer river cleanup events, really opened my eyes to how much work the PCS team and its Partners put into planning their events.

There is no doubt that my favorite responsibilities at PCS involved getting a little dirty and interacting with the public for events like Get the Lead Out, Girl Scouts programs, and Clean Your Streams Day. It is our job at PCS to educate the public on how they can individually do their part in keeping our water clean, and these events really put it in perspective for them. Achieving common goals concerning clean, clear, and safe water would be unobtainable without these partnerships with our citizens.

In the end, working with a team that was just as passionate about Earth’s environments as I am, was refreshing and inspiring. Although my time with Partners for Streams has concluded, I feel relieved leaving here knowing that PCS will continue to flourish in good hands.