Storm Drain Marking Stats are in!

Storm Drain Marking Volunteers remind citizens to reduce pollution in Storm Drains

Since April of this year, Partners for Clean Streams organized 145 volunteers who marked 926 storm drains and distributed 1,987 educational flyers in the greater Toledo area. Volunteers marked storm drains in various communities with the phrase “Drains are for Rain, Flows to Waterway,” through Partners for Clean Streams’ Give Water a Hand Program. Thousands of homes also received door hangers explaining the significance of keep these drains clear of debris and free of household chemicals, oils, fertilizers, lawn clippings, leaves, and animal waste. Fertilizers and animal waste, in particular, increase the nutrients flowing into our streams and eventually into Lake Erie.

The Lucas County Engineers Office, as part of the Storm Water Utility, recently organized a Storm Drain Marking outing this summer. During this event, 50 Boy Scouts stenciled the message on over 400 storm drains, informing citizens that the storm drains flow directly to the nearest body of water without being filtered. They also left educational door hangers and tip cards with hundreds of homeowners. Ultimately, this program helped citizens take action at home to reduce nutrients, chemicals, and trash from entering our rivers and lakes.

Volunteer groups can still participate in Storm Drain Marking this fall by contacting Partners for Clean Streams directly. Groups will then be matched with the appropriate affiliate for the city. All equipment and training is provided. More information can be found at Thank you to the volunteers who helped reduce nutrients and other pollution in our waterways this year!