Camp Miakonda Education Continues

Bend One Educational Sign

Even though habitat and lake restoration was completed almost two years ago, work has not stopped at Camp Miakonda. Throughout the summer, Cub Scouts and visitors of all ages have been guided around Lake Sawyer, along the Ottawa River, and next to the tributaries, by eight educational signs. Each sign describes part of the camp’s history, our habitat restoration techniques, and native plants and animals. These signs encourage interactive education and instill a greater awareness of the camp’s thriving wetlands, streams, river, and lake. Next time you are out at camp, check out the signs. We imagine you’ll learn something interesting!


Scouts will soon be able to take their own samples of the river and check out the variety of macroinvertebrates living in the river with sampling kits we will provide, including kick seine nets, sampling jars, identification cards, and more. By sampling the insects that live in the river bed, Scouts can learn about the overall health of the stream, while exploring and better understanding the ecology of the camp. We have been working with our plant, insect, and stream experts to monitor the tributaries and river health. So far, the results are looking positive. We will continue to monitor the health of the river, while watching insect populations grow and plants establishing themselves along the banks. Many Scouts, and other visitors, will surely enjoy Camp Miakonda’s beautiful educational area this fall and for many seasons to come.