Outreach Intern

lindsey internresizedMy name is Lindsey Crego and I am very excited to be the new Outreach Intern here at PCS. I am going into my senior year at the University of Toledo this fall, majoring in Environmental Studies and concentrating in Communication, so being an Intern with PCS fits me perfectly. Working with PCS is a wonderful opportunity because the Great Lakes are very special to me. Every summer of my life I have swum, fished, and spent lots of quality time with my family at my great-grandparent’s cottage on Lake Erie. My late great-grandparents taught me to ‘always leave the lake in the same condition it was before’. I think everyone should have that mindset whenever they visit our lakes or rivers. I am thrilled to start planning Clean Your Streams and Get the Lead Out, as well as many other fun public outreach activities. I am also very eager to meet with businesses and fundraise for the programs PCS offers. Teaching the public about our streams is very important so I am glad for the opportunity to spread the word about clean, clear and safe waterways. I hope to meet as many people as I can in the next few months and hear many great stories about rivers.