Data Management and Delisting System to Aid Project Partners

Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) is pleased to announce that Davey Resource Group has been selected to develop the Data Management and Delisting System (DMDS). The DMDS will be an online tool capable of aiding local stakeholders and federal and state agencies in making decisions regarding project suitability for the Remedial Action Plan program and steer the Maumee Area of Concern partners closer to its delisting targets. By incorporating project data, GIS & GPS metadata, and other analytical data sets, the DMDS will be able to assist the RAP Committee in setting priorities, identifying key projects, and developing reports to address Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI) and other issues in the Maumee Area of Concern.

Davey Resource Group will also be working with partners to begin updating the Maumee Watershed Stage II document with new relevant project data sets and maps. We ask all of our partners to be prepared to assist the Davey Resource Group in any facet they can. Stay tuned for future DMDS and Stage II updates as the process unfolds.