PCS Thanks YOU

The 16th Annual Clean Your Streams could not have been possible without so much help from our many sponsors and our dedicated planning team. Our underwriter sponsors this year were BP-Husky Refining, First Solar, Lucas County Storm Water Utility, Johnson Controls, Perstorp Polyols, and The University of Toledo. Too many other great companies and organizations contributed to this incredible event to be named here but can be seen on our web site. Thank you to this year’s incredible planning team which includes Cherie Blair, Marilyn DuFour, Patrick Lawrence, Erika Buri, Brian Miller, Bob Neubert, Beatrice Miringu, Andrea Beard, Don Nelson, Amanda Gamby, Kevin Laughlin, Jason Sisco, Chris Smalley, Lou Herbert and Terry and Diane Shankland. Also, thank you to the Toledo Metroparks for helping us with staffing and site access. Thank you to these and many, many other dedicated people that we are unable to name here. We would not have done this without you.

And of course, Clean Your Streams would not have been possible without the volunteers that came out to support our streams and rivers. Thank you to everyone who cleaned muddy or steep banks, removed piles of tires, waded through ditches or filled out data cards. you made a visable, immediate difference and we thank you for your dedication to cleaner waters.