Camp Miakonda and Ottawa Restoration Project- Finally Moving Mud

After carefully considering several bid proposal packages, PCS has awarded the Camp Miakonda Restoration Project to a local firm: Geo. Gradel Co. who has chosen Ecological Restoration to work alongside them as a subcontractor. With an expected ground-breaking next month, camp will be seeing several phases of construction throughout September and October. Gradel has decided to tackle the project in multiple facets, dividing the work around the key components of the project such as the Lake Sawyer portion, Ottawa River work, and associated northern wetlands restoration efforts. Work will continue next year on a smaller scale with native plantings, monitoring, and adaptation.

Ecological outcomes for the project include stabilization of the Ottawa River stream bank, resulting in increased sediment control, safe in-stream fish habitat, reinforcing a connected floodplain within this unique ecosystem, increased habitat diversity and wildlife usage of the property. Much of Lake Sawyer will be deeper, resulting is increased fish wintering as well, while parts of the Lake will be converted to a healthy wetlands. The efforts at camp will bring great changes to Boy Scout programs as well. The project will return active, multi-purpose use out of the lake and wetlands. Ecological programming will be renewed to reflect the increase in wildlife diversity. A number of new paths and trails will be constructed with the intention of creating new access points for fishing as well as hosting new educational signage. We are still discovering the other ways this project will further enhance this historic Boy Scout property!

Potential opportunities are still being developed for Scouters and other interested parties. Current volunteers can look forward to willow harvesting, helping to develop a working bird and bat box program, and other upcoming projects. For future developments, keep checking our Camp Miakonda Project page.